JavaScript Proprietary Library Example

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Javascript is pretty cool programming language ever. Easy to read and write. Most of the beginner unable to understand, read, write OOP in Javascript. Where professional are fluent in OOP Javascript. Most of the professional have to relay customized Javascript library on top of others Open Source Javascript framework. Here is example for beginner to professional those are interested to write OOP in Javascript.

Prototyping Library

 * This is the Number.lpad() method developed aim to support
 * oracle like lpad single rows function for JS Engine.
 * @public
 * @package     Number
 * @class       Number.lpad()
    Number.prototype.lpad = function(width, fill, me, padded) {
        me = this.toString();
        if(me.length >= width){
            return me;
        padded = new Array(width - me.length + 1);
        return padded.join(fill||'0') + me;
 * This is the String.format() method developed aim to support
 * Java like format String in perspectives of JS Engine.
 * @public
 * @package     String
 * @class       String.format()
    String.prototype.format = function() {
        var args = arguments;
        return this.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function(match, number) {
            return typeof args[number] != 'undefined' ? args[number] : match;
 * This is the method developed aim to support
 * Java like print String in perspectives of JS Engine.
 * @public
 * @package     String
 * @class
;||(function(){ = function() {
        if(console &&{
        return this;
 * This is the String.rpad() method developed aim to support
 * Oracle like rpad single rows function for JS Engine.
 * @public
 * @package     String
 * @class       String.rpad()
    String.prototype.rpad = function(width, fill, me, padded) {
        me = this;
        if(me.length >= width){
            return me;
        padded = new Array(width - me.length + 1);
        return me + padded.join(fill||'0');
 * This is the String.warn() method developed aim to support
 * Java like print String in perspectives of JS Engine.
 * @public
 * @package     String
 * @class       String.warn()
    String.prototype.warn = function() {
        if(console && console.warn){
        return this;

Proprietary Library

 * @public
 * @class     Chorke
 * @package   Default
var Chorke=Chorke||(function(me){
    me = {
        $class   : 'Chorke',
        $package : 'Default',
        meta     : function(ns, tpl, out){
            tpl = '{\n  "package" : "{0}",\n  "class"   : "{1}"\n}';
            out = tpl.format(ns.$package, ns.$class);
            return out;
    return me;
 * @public
 * @class     CKi
 * @package   Default
    me.$class = 'CKi';
    me.$meta   = function(){return me.meta(me)};
    return me;
 * @public
 * @static
 * @package   CKi
 * @class     CKi.Edu
;CKi.Edu||(function($, me){
    me = {
        $package : 'CKi',
        $class   : 'CKi.Edu',
        $meta    : function(){return $.meta(me)}
    $.Edu = me;
 * @public
 * @static
 * @package   CKi.Edu
 * @class     CKi.Edu.YouTube
;CKi.Edu.YouTube||(function($, me){
    me = {
        $package : 'CKi.Edu',
        $class   : 'CKi.Edu.YouTube',
        $meta    : function(){return $.meta(me)}
    $.Edu.YouTube = me;
 * @public
 * @static
 * @package   CKi.Edu.YouTube
 * @class     CKi.Edu.YouTube.Channel
;CKi.Edu.YouTube.Channel||(function($, me, channels){
    channels = [];
    me = {
        $package : 'CKi.Edu.YouTube',
        $class   : 'CKi.Edu.YouTube.Channel',
        $meta    : function(){return $.meta(me)},
        getIndex : function(name, index, channel){
            for(index=0;index < channels.length;index++){
                channel = channels[index];
                if( == name.toLowerCase()){
                    return index;
            return -1;
        isExist  : function(name, index){
            index = me.getIndex(name);
            return index >= 0;
        add      : function(name, lang, liked){
                channels.push({name: name, lang: lang||'English', like: liked||0});
            } else {'"{0}" Already Exist!'.format(name).warn();}
            return me;
        del      : function(name, index){
                index = me.getIndex(name);
                channels.splice(index, 1);
                return me;
            } else {'"{0}" Not Yet Found!'.format(name).warn();}
            return me;
        compare  : function(prev, next) {
            if ( <{
                return -1;
            } else if ( >{
                return 1;
            return 0;
        sort     : function(){
            return channels.sort(;
        format   : function(index, channel, name, lang, like, tpl, out){
            tpl = ' {0}. Chorke {1}, Inc.   => {2}[{3}]\n';
            out = '\n';me.sort();
            for(index=0;index < channels.length;index++){
                channel = channels[index];
                name =;
                lang = channel.lang;
                like =;
                out += tpl.format((index + 1).lpad(2), name, lang.rpad(12, ' '), (like ? 'x' : ' '));
                out += ((index+1)%20) ? '' : '\n';
            return out;
        print    : function(){
            return me;
    $.Edu.YouTube.Channel = me;

Checking Library

    Channel.add('Cultural').add('Diligent').add('Donation').add('Economia', 'Dutch').add('Emporium');
    Channel.add('Gardenia').add('Hatchery').add('Healthya', 'Romanian').add('Heritage', 0, 1).add('Historic');
    Channel.add('Exterior').add('Fabricat', 'Romanian').add('Fabulous').add('Farmacia').add('Festival');
    Channel.add('Academia', 0, 1).add('Agronomy', 0, 1).add('AirCargo').add('Airlines').add('Antiques');
    Channel.add('Aquarium', 0, 1).add('Artifact').add('Ascriber').add('Assembla', 'Catalan').add('Atlantic');
    Channel.add('Composer').add('Composts', 0, 1).add('Crafting', 0, 1).add('Cruising').add('Cuisines', 0, 1);
    Channel.add('Homecare').add('HutBazar', 'Bangla').add('Hygienia', 'Finish').add('Imaginer').add('Imperial');
