Java Interview

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  1. MVC
    1. Model
    2. View
    3. Controller
  2. SOLID Design Principles
    1. Single Responsibility Principle
    2. Open-Closed Principle
    3. Liskov Substitution Principle
    4. Interface Segregation Principle
    5. Dependency Inversion Principle
  1. Design Pattern
    1. Creational Design Patterns
      1. Factory Pattern
      2. Prototype Pattern
      3. Builder Pattern
      4. Singletons
    2. Structural Design Patterns
      1. Adapter Pattern
      2. Composite Pattern
      3. Decorator Pattern
    3. Behavioral Design Patterns
      1. Strategy Pattern
      2. State Pattern
  1. STUPID Practices in Programming
    1. S for Singleton
    2. T for Tight Coupling
    3. U for Untestability
    4. P for Premature Optimization
    5. I for Indescriptive Naming
    6. D for Duplication


Composition vs Aggregation
Both are Association
  1. Composition: A "owns" B
  2. Aggregation: A "uses" B
  1. Physical Layer: Ethernet, 802.11
  2. Data Link Layer: MAC, ARP, PPP
  3. Network Layer: IPv4, IPv6
  4. Transport Layer
  5. Session Layer
  6. Presentation Layer
  7. Application Layer: DNS
The DevOps is a combination of two words, one is software Development, and second is Operations. This allows a single team to handle the entire application lifecycle, from development to testing, deployment, and operations. DevOps helps us to reduce the gap between software developers, quality assurance (QA) engineers, and system administrators.
DevOps tools such as Git, Ansible, Docker, Puppet, Jenkins, Chef, Nagios and Kubernetes.
  1. Automation
  2. Collaboration
  3. Integration
  4. Configuration
Puppet is the most powerful configuration management tool in the solar system. It’s the engine that drives your compliance, baseline, drift remediation, and deployment needs. It has always been and always will be open source, with freely downloadable operating system-specific agent packages, a massively scalable server, and data warehousing capabilities via PuppetDB.
