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pod --version
pod repo update
cd  /opt/dev/chorke/academia/code/base_workspaces/
cd ./core_workspace/academia-core-ioslib/

pod init
vim Podfile 
open -a xcode Podfile
pod install
1. Target > building settings > ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_STANDARD_LIBRARIES, Value type is Boolean, click on the other, change the value to $(inherited)
2. pod update
3. Done


pod deintegrate
sudo gem install cocoapods-clean
cd  /opt/dev/chorke/academia/code/base_workspaces/
cd ./init_workspace/academia-init-iosapp/

pod clean
pod setup
pod install


pod lib create AcademiaCoreLIB
cd AcademiaCoreLIB/

pod lib lint AcademiaCoreLIB.podspec 
pod repo push AcademiaCoreLIB AcademiaCoreLIB.podspec 
ls -la ~/.cocoapods/repos/AcademiaCoreLIB/AcademiaCoreLIB/1.0.0/
pod repo add AcademiaCoreLIB
pod spec create AcademiaCoreLIB
open -a Xcode AcademiaCoreLIB.podspec
pod spec lint AcademiaCoreLIB.podspec
pod lib lint
git tag -d v1.0.0
git push --delete origin v1.0.0
git tag v1.0.0
git push origin v1.0.0
pod trunk register 'Chorke Academia' --description='Chorke Academia, Inc.'
pod trunk push
pod install
# pod repo update
pod update AcademiaCoreLIB
pod install --repo-update

Private Podspec

pod repo add AcademiaCoreLIB
cd ~/.cocoapods/repos/AcademiaCoreLIB/; pod repo lint .
pod repo push AcademiaCoreLIB AcademiaCoreLIB.podspec
pod repo remove AcademiaCoreLIB
# add to podfile as pod dependency
pod 'AcademiaCoreLIB', :git => ''

Private Pod Patch

tag='v1.0.0';git tag -d $tag;git push --delete origin $tag;\
git tag $tag;git push origin $tag;pod='AcademiaCoreLIB';\
pod repo remove $pod;pod repo add $pod $url;pod update $pod

Multiple commands Error

For Xcode 11.4 please select the Xcode menu item as following:

File » Workspace Settings » Shared Workspace Settings » Build System » Legacy Build System
⌘ + Option + Shift + K
⌘ + Shift + R
⌘ + R
p='academia-main-iosapp';b="$p.bkp";if [ -d "$b" ];then rm -rf $b;fi;mv $p $b;\
git clone "$p.git";if [ -d "$p" ];then cd $p;\
cp ../$b/Podfile* .;pod install;git status;cd ..;fi
