Convention for Database Tables: Difference between revisions

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Line 207: Line 207:
f(a) & = &  a^0 + a^1 + a^2 + a^3 + a^4 + a^5 + a^6 + a^7 + a^8  +a^n \\
f(a) & = &  a^0 + a^1 + a^2 + a^3 + a^4 + a^5 + a^6 + a^7 + a^8 + a^n \\
f(a) & = & 2^0 + 2^1 + 2^2 + 2^3 + 2^4 + 2^5 + 2^6 + 2^7 + 2^8 + 2^n \\
f(2) & = & 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 + 256 + 512 \\
f(2) & = & 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 + 256 + 512 \\

Revision as of 20:26, 29 January 2020

static char *base36enc(long unsigned int value) {
	char base36[36] = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
	/* log(2**64) / log(36) = 12.38 => max 13 char + '\0' */
	char buffer[14];
	unsigned int offset = sizeof(buffer);

	buffer[--offset] = '\0';
	do {
		buffer[--offset] = base36[value % 36];
	} while (value /= 36);

	return strdup(&buffer[offset]); // warning: this must be free-d by the user

static long unsigned int base36dec(const char *text) {
	return strtoul(text, NULL, 36);

Types of Table

Order Code Types Purpose Tables Views
F A Audit Audit Tables M00TA00X00 ~ MZZTAZZX00 M00VA00X00 ~ MZZVAZZXZZ
D E Entries Entries Tables M00TE00X00 ~ MZZTEZZX00 M00VE00X00 ~ MZZVEZZXZZ
A I Identity Identity Tables M00TI00X00 ~ MZZTIZZX00 M00VI00X00 ~ MZZVIZZXZZ
E J Join Join Tables n - n M00TJ00X00 ~ MZZTJZZX00 M00VJ00X00 ~ MZZVJZZXZZ
G L Local Local Tables M00TL00X00 ~ MZZTLZZX00 M00VL00X00 ~ MZZVLZZXZZ
B M Metadata Metadata Tables M00TM00X00 ~ MZZTMZZX00 M00VM00X00 ~ MZZVMZZXZZ
C S Settings Settings Tables M00TS00X00 ~ MZZTSZZX00 M00VS00X00 ~ MZZVSZZXZZ
H V Versions Versions Tables M00TV00X00 ~ MZZTVZZX00 M00VV00X00 ~ MZZVVZZXZZ


[M]{1}────────────────M ─┐
                         │      │
[T|V]{1}──────────────T ─┘      │
[A|E|I|J|L|M|S|V]{1}──M ─┐      │
                         ├─M00 ─┼─M00TM00X00
[0-9A-Z]{2}───────────00─┘      │
[X]{1}────────────────X ─┐      │
                         ├─X00 ─┘

Audit Tables

[M]{1}───────M ─┐
                │      │
[T|V]{1}─────T ─┘      │
[A]{1}───────A ─┐      │
                ├─A00 ─┼─M00TA00X00
[0-9A-Z]{2}──00─┘      │
[X]{1}───────X ─┐      │
                ├─X00 ─┘

Entries Tables

[M]{1}───────M ─┐
                │      │
[T|V]{1}─────T ─┘      │
[E]{1}───────E ─┐      │
                ├─E00 ─┼─M00TE00X00
[0-9A-Z]{2}──00─┘      │
[X]{1}───────X ─┐      │
                ├─X00 ─┘

Identity Tables

[M]{1}───────M ─┐
                │      │
[T|V]{1}─────T ─┘      │
[I]{1}───────I ─┐      │
                ├─I00 ─┼─M00TI00X00
[0-9A-Z]{2}──00─┘      │
[X]{1}───────X ─┐      │
                ├─X00 ─┘

Join Tables

[M]{1}───────M ─┐
                │      │
[T|V]{1}─────T ─┘      │
[J]{1}───────J ─┐      │
                ├─J00 ─┼─M00TJ00X00
[0-9A-Z]{2}──00─┘      │
[X]{1}───────X ─┐      │
                ├─X00 ─┘

Local Tables

[M]{1}───────M ─┐
                │      │
[T|V]{1}─────T ─┘      │
[L]{1}───────L ─┐      │
                ├─L00 ─┼─M00TL00X00
[0-9A-Z]{2}──00─┘      │
[X]{1}───────X ─┐      │
                ├─X00 ─┘

Metadata Tables

[M]{1}───────M ─┐
                │      │
[T|V]{1}─────T ─┘      │
[M]{1}───────M ─┐      │
                ├─M00 ─┼─M00TM00X00
[0-9A-Z]{2}──00─┘      │
[X]{1}───────X ─┐      │
                ├─X00 ─┘

Settings Tables

[M]{1}───────M ─┐
                │      │
[T|V]{1}─────T ─┘      │
[S]{1}───────S ─┐      │
                ├─S00 ─┼─M00TS00X00
[0-9A-Z]{2}──00─┘      │
[X]{1}───────X ─┐      │
                ├─X00 ─┘

Versions Tables

[M]{1}───────M ─┐
                │      │
[T|V]{1}─────T ─┘      │
[V]{1}───────V ─┐      │
                ├─V00 ─┼─M00TV00X00
[0-9A-Z]{2}──00─┘      │
[X]{1}───────X ─┐      │
                ├─X00 ─┘

Data Size Convention

;data size convention (where n is integer number)
NUMBER : 1 + 2 + 3 + 6 +  9 + 12 + 15 +  18 +  21 + 24
STRING : 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 + 256 + 2^n
DATE   : yyyy-MM-dd    |   yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
