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* [ Developer Code Signing]
* [ Developer Code Signing]
* [ Private Pods]
* [ Private Pods]
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* [[Maven]]
* [[Conan]]
* [[Bazel]]
* [[NPM]]
* [[Yarn]]
* [[Ant]]
* [[Ivy]]
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Latest revision as of 21:59, 18 January 2024


pod --version
pod repo update
cd  /opt/dev/chorke/academia/code/base_workspaces/
cd ./core_workspace/academia-core-ioslib/

pod init
vim Podfile 
open -a xcode Podfile
pod install
1. Target > building settings > ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_STANDARD_LIBRARIES, Value type is Boolean, click on the other, change the value to $(inherited)
2. pod update
3. Done


brew install mergepbx
git config --global "XCode project files merger"
git config --global merge.mergepbx.driver "mergepbx %O %A %B"
# git config --global core.attributesfile ~/.gitattributes
echo '*.pbxproj merge=mergepbx' >> ~/.gitattributes


pod deintegrate
sudo gem install cocoapods-clean
sudo gem install cocoapods -v 1.9.1
cd  /opt/dev/chorke/academia/code/base_workspaces/
cd ./init_workspace/academia-init-iosapp/

pod clean
pod setup
pod install


pod lib create AcademiaCoreLIB
cd AcademiaCoreLIB/

pod lib lint AcademiaCoreLIB.podspec 
pod repo push AcademiaCoreLIB AcademiaCoreLIB.podspec 
ls -la ~/.cocoapods/repos/AcademiaCoreLIB/AcademiaCoreLIB/1.0.0/
pod repo add AcademiaCoreLIB
pod spec create AcademiaCoreLIB
open -a Xcode AcademiaCoreLIB.podspec
pod spec lint AcademiaCoreLIB.podspec
pod lib lint
git tag -d v1.0.0
git push --delete origin v1.0.0
git tag v1.0.0
git push origin v1.0.0
pod trunk register 'Chorke Academia' --description='Chorke Academia, Inc.'
pod trunk push
pod install
# pod repo update
pod update AcademiaCoreLIB
pod install --repo-update

Private Podspec

pod repo add AcademiaCoreLIB
cd ~/.cocoapods/repos/AcademiaCoreLIB/; pod repo lint .
pod repo push AcademiaCoreLIB AcademiaCoreLIB.podspec
pod repo remove AcademiaCoreLIB
# add to podfile as pod dependency
pod 'AcademiaCoreLIB', :git => ''

Static Framework

Like pod 'GoogleMaps', '~> 3.8.0' there are some static frameworks. I mean framework inside framework. For what we have to add the property as below in Podspec for the dependency pod framework where static framework or has pod dependency like pod 'GoogleMaps', '~> 3.8.0'

s.static_framework = true

use_frameworks! :linkage => :static is the alternative of the dependency framework Podspec s.static_framework = true property. If s.static_framework = true property missed in the Podspec of any dependency framework which contains static framework then we could use use_frameworks! :linkage => :static in the dependent Podfile to handle such static framework.

use_frameworks! :linkage => :static

Private Pod Patch

tag='v1.0.0';git tag -d $tag;git push --delete origin $tag;\
git tag $tag; git push origin $tag;pod='AcademiaCoreLIB';\
pod repo remove $pod;pod repo add $pod $url;pod update $pod;pod='AcademiaCoreSQL';\
pod repo remove $pod;pod repo add $pod $url;pod update $pod;pod='AcademiaCoreAPI';\
pod repo remove $pod;pod repo add $pod $url;pod update $pod;pod='AcademiaCoreGUI';\
pod repo remove $pod;pod repo add $pod $url;pod update $pod;pod='AcademiaRupaSQL';\
pod repo remove $pod;pod repo add $pod $url;pod update $pod;pod='AcademiaRupaAPI';\
pod repo remove $pod;pod repo add $pod $url;pod update $pod;pod='AcademiaRupaVUM';\
pod repo remove $pod;pod repo add $pod $url;pod update $pod;pod='AcademiaRupaGUI';\
pod repo remove $pod;pod repo add $pod $url;pod update $pod

Multiple Commands Error

For Xcode 11.4 please select the Xcode menu item as following:

File » Workspace Settings » Shared Workspace Settings » Build System » Legacy Build System
⌘ + Shift + Option + K
⌘ + Shift + K
⌘ + Shift + R
⌘ + R
⌘ + U
p='academia-main-iosapp';b="$p.bkp";if [ -d "$b" ];then rm -rf $b;fi;mv $p $b;\
git clone "$p.git";if [ -d "$p" ];then cd $p;\
cp ../$b/Podfile* .;pod install;git status;cd ..;fi

Xcode Freeze

sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/
sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Saved\ Application\ State/
